Monday, September 24, 2012

Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice - The Captive Temple

Peace over anger.

Honor over hate.

Strength over fear.

The Jedi Temple is under attack. An attempt has been made to kill Yoda. A dangerous intruder has infiltrated the Jedi.

Everybody is under suspicion, and no one is safe from harm. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn must get to the heart of the conspiracy...or watch the Temple be destroyed -- from the inside.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Basic Vocabulary in Use

Basic Vocabulary in Use

This book has been written to help you learn new vocabulary. You already know hundreds of English words, but to speak and write English in normal situations you need to know at least 1,00-2,000 words. In this book, there are around 1,250 new words and phrases for you to learn. You will find them on the left hand page of each unit. Every new word or phrase is used in a sentence, or in a conversation, or has a picture with it, or has some explanation of what it means. On the right-hand page there are exercises and other activities to help you practice using the words and to help you to remember them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Primer Catálogo de Alemán

En el catálogo de alemán se puede consultar el listado de material que hay en CEMAAI

Nos da mucho gusto anunciar que ya hemos publicado el primer catálogo de material en nuestro sitio. Debajo del título del sitio encontrarás la pestaña de "Catálogo". Al elegirla entrarás en la página principal de los catálogos de material de CEMAAI. En esta caso particular, entra en Alemán.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Test it. Fix it

Test it, fix it is a series of books designed to help you identify any problems you may have in English.

Test it, Fix it is a series of books designed to help you identify any problems you may have in English, and to fix the problems. Each Test it, Test it, Fix it book has twenty tests which concentrate on mistakes commonly made by learners.

Materiales de la Semana

El día de hoy hemos iniciado la sección del Material de la Semana que está dirigido a ayudarte conocer el material con el que cuentas en CEMAAI.